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From the KORD writers:

Ready to hear your own remixes?
You can access stems and multitracks from original master recordings in KORD.
Free 7-day trial
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Available for iPhone and iPad

Frequently Asked Questions

If you do not find the answer to your question here, please drop us a line at [email protected].

What is KORD?

KORD is the first streaming music service to give you access to “stems.” This means you can mute, isolate, or combine various parts of a song while you listen. KORD features a curated catalog with ongoing releases of songs and their stories.

What are Stems?

Stems are created by combining one or more multitracks from an original master recording. For example, if a recording had five tracks of drums, those tracks could be combined to form one drum stem.

Are KORD stems created using Artificial Intelligence?

No they are not. We are sourcing and licensing tracks and stems from the original master recordings’ rightsholders.

How do I interact with music in KORD?

Simply play a song, then tap on the instrument icons at the bottom of the player to mute any of the instruments (stems). To hear an instrument by itself, tap and hold it, this will mute all other instruments.

What else is in KORD?

Detailed credits, liner notes, images, videos, and the stories behind the music. Click on Discover to find direct links to essays, articles, news and more.

Why would I use KORD when I can hear millions of songs on another service?

KORD is different. It’s for those of us who like to dive a little deeper to really learn about music –including how and why it was made.

Make no mistake, we think you should join other music services. We also hope you support artists and BUY their music, whether on vinyl, CD, cassette, or digital and ideally from your local record stores. And go see a live show too – we’ll see you there!

Why can’t I find a particular song on KORD?

KORD features a highly curated catalog and drops new releases all the time. New songs, older songs, and all genres are welcome.

When is my favorite song coming?

We work closely with our label partners and independent artists to keep delivering exciting music. Stay tuned for more releases every week.

How do I play a song?

Simply browse to your desired song, tap the play button, and it will load into the Player.

How do I rewind or fast-forward a song?

Drag the slider found on the right of the Player screen, or drag the lyrics to rewind or fast forward.

How do I mute instruments (stems)?

Tap once on each instrument at the bottom of the Player to mute or activate it.

How do I “solo” an instrument?

To hear one instrument and mute all others, tap and hold on it. Tap and hold again to re-activate all instruments.

Why are some instruments mixed together on one stem?

Recording engineers may choose to combine or “bounce” tracks together to free up tracks for more recording. This was particularly common when studios were limited to 4-track or 8-track technology for example. These days we have unlimited digital tracks at our disposal.

Why can’t I use my bluetooth headphones to pause or play a song?

KORD uses our proprietary playback engine rather than your device’s operating system, this means you’ll have to use our interface to control the songs. It’s a small price to pay for being awesome.

Why do the beginnings of some songs get cut off while using bluetooth headphones?

This is a known issue with many apps and has to do with Bluetooth energy saving technology. It should rarely if ever happen, but if it does simply drag the seek slider in KORD to rewind the song and hear it from the beginning.

Why are lyrics sometimes out of sync?

You may experience lyric timing issues if your device is in low-power mode. Disable low-power mode to correct.

If the stems and tracks themselves seem out of sync with each other, simply toggle on and off the play/pause button, it should re-sync instantly.

Does KORD pay the artists and songwriters to play music?

Absolutely! Each time a song is played on KORD, the legal rightsholders are compensated. This includes the owners of the sound recording, the publishers, and of course the songwriters. Standard industry rates apply.

Write for KORD

Think you have what it takes?
We’re looking for talented writers with a passion for music.

Send samples / links to [email protected]